Monday, October 10, 2011

Twelve Ways to Glorify God with Your Blog

As Christians we want our writing to shine as a beacon into our world. That means if we have a blog ministry, we want it to be the best. Here are twelve ways to provide your readers with God glorifying copy:
  1. Use compelling content--stories from your own life or retold Bible stories with life application.
  2. Insert scripture with or without Bible address. God's word does not return to Him void.
  3. Use good grammar and spelling. Nothing stops my reading faster than poor writing.
  4. Avoid purple prose (adverbs). Use active verbs (Try not to use helper verbs like "is, was, were, have, had, has, to be, would, could, should. . .")
  5. Use pictures. The Internet offers many free graphics and photos. I use Plus! Image or my own photos.
  6. Keep posts short. Aim for less than 300 words. No more than 500 words.
  7. Engage your readers by asking questions or opinions.
  8. Read and comment on other blogs. Link to other blogs or websites.
  9. Use labels that are likely to be used in searches (i.e. God's love, God's grace, Jesus loves me, Bible story titles)
  10. Choose topics that appeal to readers. A good example today is how to find joy in a troubled world.
  11. Use Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and Linked In to publicize your posts.
  12. Use compassion when responding to comments on your blog.